540 Food and Nutrition syllabus cameroon O level
Food and Nutrition is an applied science and is cuts across both arts and science disciplines. The discipline is suitable for both the needs of boys and girls for future development. The syllabus includes a study of food in relation to current dietary theories and the effects of modern technology on food preparation.
It allows students to acquire knowledge, skills and competence to support a life-long living in a culturally diverse society.Ordinary Level 540 Food and Nutrition is a scientific and social discipline combining theory with practice, designed to equip the students with knowledge, comprehension and application with the basic principles of food and nutrition practices. The skills acquired will enable them to be productive in nutrition practices as well as develop their career profile.
Examination on the syllabus may only be taken at centres which have suitable equipment for practical tests and are approved for the purpose.
540 Food and Nutrition syllabus cameroon O level
more info:Â https://kamerpower.com/cameroo…..abus-2015/
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