575 Additional Maths O Level syllabus Cameroon
This syllabus is intended essentially for mathematical knowledge, ability and skill for further studies in Mathematics, Social Sciences and Engineering. Knowledge of 570 Mathematics syllabus will be assumed and questions will be set on any section of its contents. The syllabus is designed to broaden the Mathematics experiences of candidates whose aptitude, ability and inclinations are such that they experience a high attaining level.Such candidates may continue their study of Mathematics to the Advanced Level. Candidates will be required to use non programmable electronic calculators.
The syllabus aims to enhance numeracy and literacy in Mathematics. The 575 syllabus should also enable candidates to:
- provide an advanced insight for progression into Advanced Level Mathematics 765 and 770.
- apply Mathematical knowledge in other subject areas, particularly in the Sciences, Social Sciences and Technology.
- develop the ability to reason logically, classify, generalise, prove, solve a wider selection of problems, present the solutions clearly and interpret the results.
- appreciate patterns and relationships in areas of Mathematics, produce and bring out imaginative and creative work arising from additional areas, especially those around the learner’s environment.
more info:Â https://kamerpower.com/cameroo…..abus-2015/
575 Additional Maths O Level syllabus Cameroon
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