Cameroon GCE O Level Mathematics syllabus 570. The subject Mathematics is designed to introduce to students certain fundamental concepts and notions in Mathematics. This exemplifies all units of Mathematics emphasised through a blending of ‘Traditional’ and ‘Modern’ approaches to the subject. It is observed that, Additional Mathematics broaden students’ knowledge by treating more topics in addition to those in Mathematics. The two syllabuses, when successfully offered by students, should place him/her in a favourable position to further studies.
The aims of the course Mathematics should enable the students to:
- acquire knowledge and understanding of the nature, reasoning and purpose of learning Mathematics.
- put mathematical knowledge and skills acquired into use in other disciplines, real-life situations, employment opportunities and further studies.
- stimulate and sustain interests in observations, inquiry, investigations and make logical conclusions.
- meet up with the demands of mathematical knowledge in competitive examinations in the Republic of Cameroon and elsewhere.
Cameroon GCE O Level Mathematics syllabus 570
more info: https://kamerpower.com/cameroon-gce-o-level-mathematics-syllabus-2015/